Dr. Sonja Lopez Arnak



Conference presentations directly related to issues around multicultural and international pillars.  This cannot be teased out as I have studied and researched multicultural education and the works of Drs. James Banks, Etta Hollins, Gloria Ladson-Billings, Kathryn Au, and Geneva Gay and have studied, researched and lived international/global education.  It can be noted that the Alliance for International Education conference that I have been invited to be a strand leader and part of the conference organizers is an organization I have been a part of since the first conference in 2000 when I attended in Germany.  This is the leading conference for international education thought leaders as it is led by the founders of the field of international education in an international school context, Drs. Mary Hayden and Jeff Thompson. The work that is done at this conference directly related to the future of the International Baccalaureate Organization.  I first worked in an International Baccalaureate school in 1997 and continue to be a part of their consultancy team and I facilitate their global online professional development a few times each year.

Current Innovative Research Projects and Scholarly Activities in Progress

  1. Working on Implementing a Video Based Clinical Practice Observation with Insight Advance for ISTE Conference 

  2. Working on Using Real Time Coaching for Teacher Candidates with Insight Advance

  3. Working on Leadership in Teacher Education in Latin and South America with Dr. Etta Hollins;

  4. Working on the Wellbeing of International Teachers with International Schools Research

  5. Working on Diversity in International Education with International Schools Data

  6. Working on Diversity in Teacher Education with Alliant International University CSOE Data

International Education Organizations

Teacher Education Organizations

Online Education Organizations

Language & Literacy Education Organizations

Accreditations Organizations